In 2021 , HanLPv2.1 delivers state-of-the-art multilingual NLP techniques to production environments .
T1 ADP 0 2 In
#1	AnnotatorNotes	T1	adposition
T2 NUM 3 7 2021
#2	AnnotatorNotes	T2	numeral
T3 PUNCT 8 9 ,
#3	AnnotatorNotes	T3	punctuation
T4 PROPN 10 19 HanLPv2.1
#4	AnnotatorNotes	T4	proper noun
T5 VERB 20 28 delivers
#5	AnnotatorNotes	T5	verb
T6 ADJ 29 45 state-of-the-art
#6	AnnotatorNotes	T6	adjective
T7 ADJ 46 58 multilingual
#7	AnnotatorNotes	T7	adjective
T8 PROPN 59 62 NLP
#8	AnnotatorNotes	T8	proper noun
T9 NOUN 63 73 techniques
#9	AnnotatorNotes	T9	noun
T10 ADP 74 76 to
#10	AnnotatorNotes	T10	adposition
T11 NOUN 77 87 production
#11	AnnotatorNotes	T11	noun
T12 NOUN 88 100 environments
#12	AnnotatorNotes	T12	noun
T13 PUNCT 101 102 .
#13	AnnotatorNotes	T13	punctuation
T14 DATE 3 7 2021
T15 WORK_OF_ART 10 19 HanLPv2.1